SMYBA Board Member Roles & Election Information

SMYBA Board Member Roles & Election Information

The board of directors are responsible for all functions of the league.  The board meets once monthly at a public board meeting and communicates throughout the month via electronic forms as well.  All board members take on the responsibility of ensuring the league functions properly and all events are held by SMYBA are staffed properly.  Once elected to the board, attendance at board meetings and league events is required with the exception of prior clearly communicated conflicts.  All positions are up for re-election each year regardless of whether a member is returning or not.  If you have any questions regarding any of the positions, please feel free to contact a current board member via email, cell or text anytime.  More detail can also be found on   If you do not know any current board members, simply email [email protected] with questions.


Presides at league meetings and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league. The president receives all mail, supplies, and other communications from the Little League International. The president must see to it that league personnel is properly briefed on all phases of rules, regulations, and policies of Little League. The league president is the contact between the local organization and Little League International.


Vice President

Presides in the absence of the president; works with other officers and committee members; is ex-official member of all committees and carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.


Maintains a register of members and directors; records the minutes of meetings; is responsible for sending out notice of meetings, issues membership cards and maintains a record of league’s activities.


Signs checks co-signed by another officer or director; dispenses league funds as approved by the Board of Directors; reports on the status of league funds; keeps local league books and financial records; prepares budgets and assumes the responsibility for all local league finances.

Player Agent

Conducts annual tryouts, and is in charge of player selection, assists president in checking birth records and eligibility of players; serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the local league and generally supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from the Minor Leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League.

Safety Officer

Coordinates all safety activities; ensures safety in player training; ensures safe playing conditions; coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries; solicits suggestions for making conditions safer; reports suggestions to Little League International through the league president and prepares the ASAP plan for submission to Little League International.

Coaching Coordinator

Represents coaches/managers in league; presents a coach/ manager training budget to the board; gains the support and funds necessary to implement a league-wide training program; orders and distributes training materials to players, coaches and managers; coordinates mini-clinics as necessary; serves as the contact person for Little League and its manager-coach education. Receives and distributes coaching information from Little League International and distributes to all coaches and managers.

League Information Officer

Sets up and manages league’s official website; sets up online registration and ensures the league rosters are uploaded to Little League; assigns online administrative rights to other local volunteers; encourages creation of team web sites to managers, coaches, and parents; ensures that league news and scores are updated online on a regular basis; collects, posts, and distributes important information on league activities including direct dissemination of fundraising and sponsor activities to Little League, the district, the public, league members, and the media; serves as primary contact person for Little League and ACTIVE Team Sports regarding optimizing use of the Internet for league administration and for distributing information to league members and to Little League International. Provides player, coach and manager records to Little League International in electronic format.

Sponsor Fundraising Manager

Solicits and secures local sponsorships to support league operations; collects and reviews sponsorship and fundraising opportunities; organizes and implements approved league fundraising activities; coordinates participation in fundraising activities; and maintains records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives.

Concession Manager

Maintains the operation of concession facilities; organizes the purchase of concession products; responsible for the management of the concession sales at league events; schedules volunteers to work the concession booth during league events; collects and reviews concession related offers including coupons, discounts, and bulk-purchasing opportunities; and organizes, tallies and keeps records of concession sales and purchases.

Division Directors

Division directors will work with the player agent the board of directors to coordinate the teams and schedules for their respective division of our league.  The directors will communicate the expectations of the league to the managers, coaches and players of their division.  They will attend the district interlock scheduling meeting each spring to schedule games with our neighboring leagues.  They will help coordinate field work days on their respective fields each spring.

Equipment Manager

The equipment manager is in charge of organization, distribution and collection of all league owned and supplied equipment.  The equipment manager shall keep an inventory of league equipment and notify the board, as items are needed to be ordered and/or replaced.

Field Maintenance Coordinator

The Field Maintenance Coordinator is our main liaison between SMYBA and South Middleton Township.  They are in charge of ensuring proper upkeep and maintenance of the SMYBA baseball fields, ensuring proper stock of field maintenance materials and tools and coordinating field workdays multiple times per year.  The Field Maintenance Coordinator also coordinates the preventative maintenance and repair of our tractors.

Fall Baseball Coordinator

The Fall Baseball Coordinator is in charge of attending district level fall baseball organizational meetings, gathering information from the player agent regarding number of teams for each fall season and simply helping to organize our fall baseball season.  The fall coordinator typically begins their duties during or after the all star season.

Purchasing Agent

The Purchasing Agent is a member of the local league Board of Directors and is responsible for coordinating all of the league’s purchases made throughout the year.  Working in tandem with the league’s Treasurer, the Purchasing Agent is tasked with buying items and materials need by the league and its teams, such as, player uniforms and playing equipment, concession stand supplies, safety kits, and field maintenance equipment.  Separating a league’s needs from its wants, and prioritizing purchases throughout the year are how a league stays on budget. Here are four tips to help your league’s purchasing agent effectively manage and organize this responsibility.

One individual can hold more than one role depending on those roles.  The more volunteers we have, the better we are able to organize the league and the better the experience we are able to provide to the youth of our community.  If you have any questions at all, please email, call or text a current board member for a one on one conversation where we can answer as many questions as possible for you.  Exiting board members are all willing to help guide and stay in touch with their replacements.  Everyone has worked very hard to make this league what it is and want to help the new board be as successful as possible.

Local Sponsors

South Middleton Youth Baseball Association

P.O. Box 12 
Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania 17007

Email: [email protected]

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