Q: What does my player need?
A: Players will need to provide their own glove, baseball pants sliding shorts with cup. They will also need to bring water to each game. The league provides a team t-shirt and a hat for each player as well as the other equipment needed during the practices and games such as helmets, catcher’s gear, and bats.
Q: What is the game and practice schedule?
A: Your player can expect two practices and one game per week.
Q: How long is the season?
A: The Spring season normally runs from April 1 through the middle of June.The Fall season normally runs from the middle of August through the end of October.
Q: Will I have to sell things for a fundraiser?
A: We do have one fundraiser per season but you can opt out by paying a buyout fee.
Q: Will I have to travel to other leagues to play?
A: It will depend on what division your child plays in. Tee-Ball and Instructional League (Minors A) play at the South Middleton Park. Divisions above these may travel to other organizations to play. Most destinations are no more than a 30 minute drive.
Q: Is there anything I can do to help South Middleton Youth Baseball?
A: Yes, not only do we need coaches and assistant coaches our organization is a work in progress throughout the year. If you do not have time to help out year round please contact a Board Member to offer your services. We are always in the need of help organizing our equipment, fundraisers, picture day, field maintenance to name a few. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Q: Can my son play at a higher level?
A: Please contact a Board Member to request a player placement evaluation.